
2025 Auction Winners

Prize Number Winner
001 Sacred SojournGANELES, Jeffrey and Rina
002 $5,000 CASH!COHEN, Malka
003 Crowning GloryKASIRER, Yehuda Eliezer and Rachel
004 Home HarmonyRENNERT, Tzvi Aryeh and Tsirel
005 $2,500 Visa Gift CardPENN, Boruch and Sharon
006 Sky HighARSHADNIA, Hila
007 Timeless EleganceGOYKADOSH, Brachah
008 Seforim for a LifetimeZUCKERMAN, Bentzion
009 Amazon WonderlandHORWITZ, Yaakov and Chana
010 Regal SplendorCHULPAYEV, Avi and Alina
011 Your Essentials. Your Choice.PERKOWSKI, Duvy
012 Scenic SerenityACKERMAN, Chaim Yosef and Menucha
013 Literary EscapeMANDEL, Avi and Meira
014 Cash CascadeARNOLD, Avraham and Devora
015 Scroll of WisdomZUCKER, Jason
016 Bulk BountyICKOVITZ, Menachem
017 Radiant AdornmentsKESS, Yisroel and Racheli
018 Judaic EssentialsFROIMOWITZ, Shmuel Meir and Shayni
019 Sterling StyleFELT, Eli and Tzivia
020 Wholesale WindfallsWAGNER, Chaim and Sora Malka
021 Culinary FreedomKESSLER, Chanan and Tova
022 Fueling AdventuresROSENFELD, Chanoch
023 Tailored SophisticationSILVERA, Isaac
024 Retail BlissORLOFSKY, Bruce and Melanie
025 Exquisite CuisineSKLAR, Yaakov and Chaya Toba
026 Jetsetter's DreamCHOSAK, Mitchell H and Sharon
027 The Gift That FitsCHESAL, Aryeh and Chana Rochel
028 The 24 Hour EscapeLINTZ, Joshua and Shira
029 Savory SplurgeGEWANTER, Shimon and Chaya
030 Mystery TreasureHERMAN, Chaim M
031 Ladies LuxeNISSANIAN, Ami and Limore
032 Wisdom UnleashedKAVIAN, Careen
033 Florida SunscapeKESS, Yisroel and Racheli
034 Flexible LuxuryBOTNICK, Rivkah
035 Kitchen Essentials CollectionPICK, Penina
036 Exquisite EnchantmentHYMAN, Avraham and Chani
037 Dining DelightGUTTMAN, Chezky and Devorah
038 Playtime ParadiseRENNERT, Tzvi Aryeh and Tsirel
039 Refined StyleWOLF, Abe and Tzippy
040 Savings FrenzySCHWAGER, Pauline
041 Fashion FinesseZUCKERMAN, Azriel and Rivka Leah
042 Luxurious LinenPRETTER, Binyamin and Malka
043 Fresh TrendsADLER, Neil and Susy
044 Taste of HomeKRAUS, Sarah
045 Hey, Ya Never Know!TRUXTON, Yishai and Yocheved
046 Sharp, Polished, and ReadyROCHWARGER, Geoffrey A. and Mandy
047 Perfect Pesach PairLINTZ, Joshua and Shira
048 Evening of SerenityWULWICK, Rachel
049 Relax, Refresh, and ReviveGOPIN, Chaim Simcha and Yaffa Leah
050 Crystal Clear DecorKESS, Yisroel and Racheli
051 Quality Goods, Local ConvenienceSCHONFELD, Malka
052 Digital CompanionSUMMERS, Kovi
053 Innovation StationORLOFSKY, Bruce and Melanie
054 Fuel for the RoadPERKINS, Jon and Nechama
055 Stock Up on SeforimETLINGER, Aaron
056 Stack, Create, ExploreHERZIG, Sol and Devorah
057 Your Money. Your Way.KAUFMAN, David and Chani
058 Immersive AudioTRUXTON, Yishai and Yocheved
058 Immersive AudioBRUCKSTEIN, Raizy
058 Immersive AudioSHMIDMAN, Yitzchak and Hindy
059 Grill AnywhereWAKSZUL, Lipa and Judy
060 Your Menu, Your CallGEWANTER, Shimon and Chaya
061 One-Stop ShopRENNERT, Tzvi Aryeh and Tsirel
062 Bringing Music HomeMAY, Yonatan and Tziporah
063 Adventures in PlayGHALILI, Yoni and Devorah
064 Circle a Year of SmilesMASLOW, Adam and Shari
065 Magnetic MasterpiecesSCHER, Eytan and Devorah
066 Game Night GaloreSCHWABACHER, Michael and Aleta S
067 Travel ReadySIEGEL, Steven and Aliza
068 A Blissful ShabbosSHULKIN, William
069 Dine in StyleKHAIMOV, Roni
070 Your Ultimate GadgetLEWIS, Jennifer
071 Smart CleaningWUREM, Yitzchok and Tzipora
072 Shabbos SerenityNEWMAN, Mordechai and Etti
JACKPOT!COHEN, Nesanel and Yehudis
SPLIT THE POTYACHNES, Avichayil and Rivka
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